Practical Ways To Support Israel

There’s no doubt that Israel is one of the few Middle East allies that this nation and other U.S. aligned nations have. Although the Israeli nation seems to be always on the short-end of international support, there are other nations aligning with Israel that do not get air time coverage by the mainstream media. Surprisingly, some nations are Jordan, Ethiopia and now even Egypt to some extent.

This being the case, let’s consider some practical ways to support Israel that perhaps you may not have thought about. Every idea, dollar, plan and yes, especially prayer, counts at this critical time.

Support Israel By Watching Alternative Media Sources

Sadly, not all of the mainstream media in the U.S. and elsewhere are Israel-friendly; consequently, not all news being reported is fair and unbiased. By taking out an online subscription to Israeli news outlets, you may get a more balanced view of what is happening.

Support Immigration Policies

Immigration to Israel continues at this time from Russia, Ethiopia or elsewhere. That being the case, there is much need to help shoulder the burden for new arrivals. Financial donations, housing and medical health supplies are always needed for the needy.

Buying Israeli-Made Products

Although it may seem small, buying Israeli products is one of the most effective means you can use to show your open support to the nation of Israel. Likewise, taking group tours to the Holy Land that are sponsored by a church, synagogue or an educational institution, does a great deal to help generate economic survival to its people.


Remembering The Holocaust Museum And Jewish Holidays

Whether it’s a trip to the Holocaust Museum, the Massada fortress or to other places of spiritual and historical significance, always make time to remember them by being with others of the Jewish faith. Keeping some Jewish holidays, especially at Yom Kipper or Rosh Hashanah, helps foster a sense of comradery with Jewish people and shows them your commitment to support Israel in some way. Above all, please remember to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.


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